bringing down the house review, bringing down the house books review

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    Hi, I'm Chase Oliver and I'm 32 years old.

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    Bringing Down The House Review

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    This book is the perfect example for why we have a book club in the first place. Although you might think our goal of establishing a book club is to educate ourselves through reading and absorbing important literary content, the real reason we get together is to catch up on our gossip and drink entirely too much wine. Bringing Down The House was a perfect example to support this case because we had absolutely nothing to discuss during the meeting regarding the book. What was there too discuss? Great story, true story, pretty cool, the end. All we did was gossip, laugh like hyenas and get increasingly intoxicated through the night.

    Once again we met at Lisa's house. It was such a beautiful night that we decided to hold the club out on the patio. It has been raining for two months solid. This break in the weather was heartily accepted. Summer might finally have arrived. We had a new member join for this meeting, a friend of mine from the UK. She later retorted that she has a good time and that, “It was very American”. She also said we are very loud women! I thought that was fairly interesting. It made me giggle.

    As soon as I got settled in we began to gossip and chat. It seemed like we had so much energy this evening and so much to talk about. It was only after an hour or so that I tried to start a conversation about the book. Did anyone like it? Did anyone have a points to talk about? All that was said about Bringing Down The House was that it was a neat story. It was a wild true story which could have passed for fiction. One member did not appreciate how vulgar some of the characters were while living the high life. It was a little too wild, too crazy and a bit insane. How could a person live like that? I think the most poignant question someone asked was, “If you could, would you do it”? If you had an MIT mastermind brain and you were trained in the arts of counting cards and playing blackjack, could you do it and rape the casinos? I would say yes, personally. It was not illegal and it might be a rush. But I could NEVER walk through the airports with hundreds of thousands of dollars strapped to my chest. That would take some big hairy ones.

    That being said, this was the entire extent of our conversation on Bringing Down The House. It was a fun read but it is not the book I would have selected. I am a little disappointed that my choice I bring each meeting never gets selected. It didn't this time either! Its no big deal, though, it is fun to see which book wins the bid. However, we have decided that beginning on the next meeting, one member will pick a book and each member will have the chance to pick at selected intervals. Until now, we have been bringing selections and taking votes on the selections. My selection never made the final cut in any meeting. We all have different tastes and I am afraid that I have unique ones. I lean towards scifi and fantasy fiction which doesn't suit most people.

    Although I didn't care much for Bringing Down The House it was an interesting read. The best part about this book was getting together with the girls even if we hardly talked about the book itself. We had a fun night of chatting and story telling. I ended up staying at Lisa's until 2 in the morning. Maybe Bringing Down The House put all of us in too much of a Vegas style party mood. That book club meeting was more of a wild party.

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