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    1. The Magic Of Making Up
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    4. Bring Back A Lost Love

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    How I Saved My Marriage
    My Story

    My husband's involvement and attraction towards me was fading away. It was only a matter a time before he would ask for a divorce. Even though I knew it would happen soon I was in a state of shock when the moment finally arrived.

    I did what I could to cope with it all. I derived a �what's wrong with us� list. Then followed it up with a �how to improve� list. I gone through episodes where I pleaded with my husband, tried to talk him out of it, cried while bluntly begging and other usual responses and tactics from someone who doesn't want a divorce. We tried counseling without success. In desperation, I suggested a trial separation hoping that he misses me and things would go back to normal.

    Story continues - read what happened next


    Explore the Diva's Writing Style

    I write articles for a few magazines and plenty of websites. My articles are everywhere and gaining in popularity. Listed below are a sample of some of these articles. I have received a lot of good feedback from these articles and I truly hope you enjoy them.

    If you would like to use any of these free articles below, please contact the Diva to discuss the requirements. Click on the contact link at the bottom.

    Today's Relationship Articles

    What Do Guys Want For Christmas?
    By Diva Rebecca
    This isn't really an article, but an open forum letting the guys tell you what they REALLY want for Christmas.

    The Victims of Fame
    By Diva Rebecca
    Everyone wants to have it all. But does that mean that our relationships must suffer?

    Sexual Networking in the Fishbowl
    By Diva Rebecca
    Why do we keep fishing for new potential mates within our own social circles when there are millions of other goups out there?

    Don't Breakup a Relationship
    By Diva Rebecca
    Trying to break up a relationship often results in the exact opposite result and almost always backfires. Why is this?

    High School Relationships
    By Diva Rebecca
    If you are in high school and are dealing with a troublesome relationship, you really need to realize how young you are.

    The Thirty Year Old Sexual Peak
    By Diva Rebecca
    I am sure you have heard that women hit their sexual peak around 30 years of age......or do they?

    The Independent Woman and the Metrosexual Man
    By Diva Rebecca
    How the new roles of men and women in today's society are affecting relationships with eachother.

    Knowing When To Leave
    By Diva Rebecca
    How do you know when to leave a relationship? There are times to leave, and times to stay an dwork things out.

    The Sexually Giving Partner
    By Diva Rebecca
    How can you determine if someone will be emotionally giving, supportive and loving in a relationship? From sex of course!

    Theories of Female Seduction
    By Diva Rebecca
    I deicided to investigate some of these so called pick-up artists and see just what it is they are doing to successfully attract the most beautiful women in the world.

    The Luckiest Men In The World
    By Diva Rebecca
    When it comes to love, dating and commitment, there is one group of men who are the luckiest out of all of all dating potentials. Who are they? The Diva has her own opinion.

    Till The End of Time
    By Diva Rebecca
    How do old couples stay in love and remain married for 60 years? Why can't we all find love like that?

    Constant Contact, He or She Won't Let Me Go
    By Diva Rebecca
    Why won't your ex let you go and start over again? Why won't your ex let you get over this heart ache?

    Health and Sex
    By Diva Rebecca
    We all should know that a healthy lifestyle will contribute to a healthy sex life. But it helps out your sex life in more ways than the obvious.

    Kudos to the Nice Guys
    By Diva Rebecca
    The nice guys do not get their due respect enough. Here is an article which gives special and long overdue appreciatiation for the nice guys.

    Love is a Private Affair
    By Diva Rebecca
    As singles, we become used to telling our friends everything about our dates. But in a serious relationship, matters of love need to be kept between you and your loved one.

    Love Yourself
    By Diva Rebecca
    Before you can let yourself be part of a loving relationship, you must begin to love yourself. You can not expect anyone to love you until you love yourself first.

    Blogging: The New Exhibitionism
    By Diva Rebecca
    Blogging is the new popular form of sexual stimulation and even online dating!

    Ready for the "R" Word?
    By Diva Rebecca
    Are you ready for a relationship? Be sure you put plenty of thought and weighted consideration before jumping in. Relationships take work.

    Opposites Don't Attract
    By Diva Rebecca
    Have you ever noticed that many couples tend to look alike? If you didn't know already, we tend to look for people who have similar physical appearances to our own.

    When Your Friends and Family Dislike Your Significant Other
    By Diva Rebecca
    What happens and how can you fix it when everyone you know seems to want to end your relationship.

    Love Dreams
    By Diva Rebecca
    What does it mean when you are kissing your ex or having sex with your ex? Is it okay if you are dreaming about making love with someone other than your lover? Read all about dreams of love here.

    Stop Nagging!
    By Diva Rebecca
    Do you have a "nagging" habit or is there someone special in your life who is constantly badgering and pestering you? There are reasons why and things which can be done.

    Tick Tock Goes the Love Clock
    By Diva Rebecca
    How can any of us have time for a relationship especially if you live in the big city? Not having time for a relationship is no longer just a shabby excuse.

    Feng Shui Your Love Pad
    By Diva Rebecca
    Learn how to use this age old Chinese technique to enhance your love life.

    Check out all of the Diva's great Relationship eBooks Here!