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    How I Saved My Marriage
    My Story

    My husband's involvement and attraction towards me was fading away. It was only a matter a time before he would ask for a divorce. Even though I knew it would happen soon I was in a state of shock when the moment finally arrived.

    I did what I could to cope with it all. I derived a �what's wrong with us� list. Then followed it up with a �how to improve� list. I gone through episodes where I pleaded with my husband, tried to talk him out of it, cried while bluntly begging and other usual responses and tactics from someone who doesn't want a divorce. We tried counseling without success. In desperation, I suggested a trial separation hoping that he misses me and things would go back to normal.

    Story continues - read what happened next


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    I am no longer answering every email request due to my change in schedules. I am already a month behind in answering the enormous volume of requests in my inbox. I was answering every email and posting 5 or 6 emails per month. Now I am only responding to one email and posting it. Very soon, I will be back to my normal schedule and I will be able to answer most of you!

    So if you email me and I do not respond, please don't take it personally. I am working very hard! I hope you still love me....

    However, we do have a forum for all of you to enter, post your problems and help each other. Please check it out.

    Please feel free to browse through all of my past columns below and enjoy! There are a bunch to go through and one of them may end up helping you!

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