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    My husband's involvement and attraction towards me was fading away. It was only a matter a time before he would ask for a divorce. Even though I knew it would happen soon I was in a state of shock when the moment finally arrived.

    I did what I could to cope with it all. I derived a �what's wrong with us� list. Then followed it up with a �how to improve� list. I gone through episodes where I pleaded with my husband, tried to talk him out of it, cried while bluntly begging and other usual responses and tactics from someone who doesn't want a divorce. We tried counseling without success. In desperation, I suggested a trial separation hoping that he misses me and things would go back to normal.

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    Dear Diva Rebecca,

    I left my boyfriend about three years ago. He now has a new girlfriend. I want him back. Is it possible? He lives about 25 miles away and I think about him everyday. I have not been out with anyone else in three years.


    Woeful Loner
    Bumpass, VA

    Dear Woeful Loner,

    I don't know whether to pity you or smack you upside the head. You left this man three years ago and you have not been with another man since? At all?

    Perhaps you mean that you have not seriously dated anyone else in the past three years. I hate to think of any woman out there who has gone on for three years without some good headboard slamming sex. You must have been getting your freak on here and there. How could you not? Every woman needs emotional and physical attention from time to time. A lapse in frequency of three years is much too long to endure. Not even the greatest dildo ever created could hold the Diva back from seeking out a live and warm blooded opportunity here and there.

    If it is true that you actually have not had sex in three years, then you need to get out there and get some. Sexual encounters are good for everyone in more ways than one ("one" referring to that incredible orgasmic explosion of senses). As if the orgasm wasn't good enough for you, recent medical studies have shown that a healthy sex life helps people live longer, reduces the risk of heart disease, reduces the threat of depression, assists in weight loss and contributes to overall fitness. And those are just to name a few.

    I must apologize for taking off on the "you need to get laid" bit but I am still in shock. The Diva has an insatiable appetite for physically romantic indulgences. I thank God every day that I was born post sexual revolution.

    So now your ex-boyfriend has a girlfriend. Why does this not surprise me? Of course he has a girlfriend.....it has been three years! Just because you have gone without a lover for such an extended period of time does not mean that he wanted to mimic your decision. Is it just because he has a new girlfriend that you suddenly desire him back? You said that you broke up with him. Why did you leave him if you still think about him every day? There must have been a good reason for you to have ended the relationship and now the new girlfriend has perhaps elicited those feelings of rivalry within your heart.

    Try your best to remember the reasons why you broke up. You need to move on with your life and let your ex be happy. There has been too much time between you two and he now has a girlfriend. You can not play yo-yo with anyone's heart. You broke up with him and now he is happy and has found someone else. Let him be. Don't be the woman who tries to break up a relationship.


    Diva Rebecca

    Not everyone will agree with me, everyone has their own opinion.
    What would your advice be?
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