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Dear Diva Rebecca,
My boyfriend wants me to get a breast augmentation. He said he will pay for it. He is a great guy and we have been together for some time. He is just a guy that likes big boobs, what can I say? Mine are fine and perky, but just a B cup. Some of my girlfriends are telling me to go for it, since he is paying. But some are dead set against it for one reason or another. I have not made up my mind yet and I was wondering your opinion.
The Boob,
Westminster, Colorado
Dear Boob,
I do have my own opinion on the subject matter and it is just my own opinion so take it with a grain of salt. You should do what you want when it comes to your body.
First of all, I don't think a woman should consider a breast augmentation until after she has had children. If you don't think you will be having kids, then skip this paragraph. When you have children, it is very important to breast feed if you are able to. Mother's milk is the most nutritious food for babes. Women with implants are unable to breast feed because they simply don't have the room for the swelling. Not only that but after you give birth I am sure you would be in considerable pain when the milk comes in naturally on top of your implants. I couldn't even imagine how that would feel.
Second, fake boobs look nice for a while, but only for a while really. To me (and this is just my opinion), smaller breasts are much more attractive! They symbolize youth. I am sure lots of guys will tell you that large breasts are much more attractive, but if you think about it, they are only attractive for one reason. I think most men, in long term relationships, would rather be with the girls who look younger and smaller.
Now, I am not trying to be overly judgmental. I have some great girlfriends who have had boob jobs and they are wonderful people. But I have also known many girls who have regretted getting them done. And many who still love having them. So it differs for everyone. I still think smaller is way sexier.
I completely understand wanting surgery for the woman with a completely flat chest. Or for the woman whose breasts hang down to her belly button. There are so many reasons for wanting and getting cosmetic surgery. But the most important reason to get it is for your own satisfaction...NOT someone else's. If you are happy with your own size, I wouldn't get it if I were you. Just because it is free doesn't mean it is a good idea. Besides, your guy should be attracted to you no matter what. And if he really is a great guy, he will stay with you if you decide not to get a breast augmentation. Remember, get them for yourself, not for someone else.
If he wants to buy you surgery...have him get you lasiks instead if you could use it. Now that would be a real investment.
Diva Rebecca
Not everyone will agree with me, everyone has their own opinion. What would your advice be? Be respectful and courteous. Rude remarks and slander of any kind will be removed. |