John Lennon and Yoko Ono Love Story

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    John Lennon and Yoko Ono Love Story

    lennon Most people still blame Yoko Ono for the break up of the Beatles and completely disregard the intense and passionate love that was held between John and Yoko. It was an unusual pairing for the time and because of their upbringings, but they spent their lives together spreading the message of peace and love.

    John first met Yoko at the Indico Art Gallery in London during an avant-garde show displaying the artistry of Yoko Ono. John was born from a blue collar family and became an overnight superstar. Yoko was the disappointing offspring of a high collar financial family. She preferred to stay an intellectual in the world of Art. When they met, the attraction was supposedly instantaneous. She had reportedly asked him for five shillings to hammer an imaginary nail into the wall. He offered her five imaginary shillings. They were nearly inseparable after their initial meeting.

    Both John and Yoko were already married at the time but separated from their spouses. They began working on their own albums together which eventually led to the break up of the Beatles. While most people viewed Yoko as the band killer, they failed (for a while) to see all of the messages of love which John and Yoko were sending out. It took some time, but eventually their message of peace caught on.

    The couple eventually married and had a son. John devoted much of his time to working on his individual albums with many songs and ballads being written about his love for Yoko and his son. He was incredibly romantic about her, and easily displayed his affection for the world to hear. They were widely visible in the public eye, hosting such things as a “Bed-In” for peace and shows on peace and love. They had a message and were intent on delivering it to the world. At one point in time, the United States was trying to get John to leave the country. It caused a lot of stress between the two lovers and they separated for a while. But they got back together after only a few months.

    Tragically, John was assassinated in front of his own home, with Yoko and his son still inside. And why? Because he had too much love and peace in his heart. Hatred tried to bring him down. But Yoko survived and still shows many signs of tribute to her long lost love. His love for the world and desire for peace survived through his own intense love for Yoko and their son.

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