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    My husband's involvement and attraction towards me was fading away. It was only a matter a time before he would ask for a divorce. Even though I knew it would happen soon I was in a state of shock when the moment finally arrived.

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    Love is Bound to Follow Once You Put Yourself First

    One mistake that many women and men make when it comes to love is losing sight of what is best for them. They put the other person's needs and desires before their own.

    Although this can be fulfilling in a very unselfish way, it can also lead to countless problems in the future. Therefore, it's always a good idea to put yourself first before you even begin to think about love.

    This can be hard to understand if you hold the belief that you need another person's love and acceptance to feel whole.

    Although it's always enriching to be surrounded by people we care for, you will find much more happiness if you begin any relationship with your needs fulfilled from within.

    There are a few important things that every person can do that will help ensure that they are living a healthy and balanced life.

    This in turn will translate into a more satisfying and complete relationship with another person.

    Ways to take care of your needs include:

    Stay healthy.
    If you live alone you might be prone to hitting the fast food outlet on the way home from work or choosing a frozen dinner that pops in the microwave.

    Although these are certainly convenient choices, why not plan ahead and choose healthier alternatives. There isn't that much work involved in preparing a big Greek salad or a grilled piece of chicken.

    Working out can also be seen as a burden, but a brisk walk in the park or some time at the gym will not only keep your muscles toned but it will keep your thoughts clear as well.

    Pursue an enjoyable career.
    Even if you are a woman who has always had her heart set on being a stay at home mom, dive into a career path that you love.

    Everyone has something they love doing on a professional basis, so always keep that in clear view. Standing on your own two feet financially will help you feel more stable in every part of your life.

    Take up a fun hobby.
    If you like high places why not consider exploring the world of rock climbing or sky diving? If you are an avid reader, join a local book club.

    Making time to enjoy pastimes that you love will keep you more balanced.

    Don't lose touch with family and friends.
    Life gets busy and all too often we lose touch with the people we are closest to.

    Make time to meet family members or close friends for lunch or dinner. Take in a movie or go for a bike ride. These people are important and as such you need to remember to stay involved in their lives.

    When a person feels happy and fulfilled in their life it becomes much easier to love another.

    When you show yourself love and respect, others will want to do the same. You also won't be looking to the other person for fulfillment instead they will simply being adding something very positive to your already wonderful life.