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    I was completely devastated. I mean, we had even had names picked out for our future children!

    My whole world was flipped upside-down.

    But then something very strange happened... Read the Rest


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    Dear Diva Rebecca,

    I need drastic help. I am stuck in a rut. I have been stuck in a rut for the past thirty years and I feel like I want to scream. I live in a small town in the middle of dairy farms, pretty much in the middle of nowhere. I have a good education and a good job but that is about it. I don't have a boyfriend and by the looks of me I probably never will. I was never the popular girl in school; I was always frumpy, shy, slightly overweight and kept to myself. I thought things would change when I "grew up" but they never did. I am still that ugly little girl. I want things to change so badly but I just don't know how, I don't know where that first step is. I have only two good friends but I usually keep to myself. I am so bored! How can I change everything?


    No Life
    Bloomer, WI

    Dear No Life,

    Girl...you need an agenda starting right now! And the first item on that list should be changing your attitude. I can read that you are very down on yourself. You have some self-esteem issues that need to be dealt with. If you think you will never have a boyfriend then you may never have that boyfriend. You are causing your own misery.

    Look at yourself. You are a fabulous independent woman who does not need anyone to keep you going. This fact alone should help you see what you have to offer anyone. Use this to help heal your battered ego. Tell yourself on an hourly basis how exceptional and divine you really are. You will eventually start to believe yourself. Who cares what anyone else thinks...a true Diva only cares about her own opinions.

    The next item on your list should be making that geographic change. You need to move into the city. Do you think you are going to meet the next eligible bachelor at the local bowling alley? I think not. Get out there where the culture is hip and fresh and where you can meet lots of new fabulous people. I know moving can be difficult but you will be much happier. The hardest thing for you will be to leave your "comfort zone". Your friends and family might be in this small town, but there is nothing left for you here. Start planning now and get ready for an adventure.

    Change can be an exhilarating thing. If you actually take my much needed advice and plan a move to the big city, you will become excited with the anticipation of change. The impending move will also encourage you to change other things. Get that new haircut, start exercising (a must for all Diva's) and change your wardrobe. Bring the best that you have to offer to your new home. Take a look at my guide entitled "How to be Fabulous". You can do this.

    Finally, I think you may need to start to open up to people. Why is it that you only have a few friends? Maybe it is because you are waiting for people to approach you. Your shyness is holding you back from meeting new people. Take the initiative and invite new potential girlfriends out for drinks, lunch, happy hours, etc. You need to surround yourself with friends. Good girlfriends are the backbone of any Diva. They listen when you need an ear, they help when you need help, they provide a shoulder to cry on, they laugh with you when you are laughing and they will share with you the greatest times of your life. Friendships always take time to build so start now.

    Drastic problems call for drastic measures. Go get that life!


    Diva Rebecca

    Not everyone will agree with me, everyone has their own opinion.
    What would your advice be?
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