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    Dear Diva Rebecca,

    I have been going out with a guy for almost three years. We are what you would call "high school sweethearts." We are graduating this June from high school and he's talking about wanting to get married soon. I just don't know if I can trust him completely. Something is telling me that he might think about leaving me when we go to college in the fall, even though we will still be in the same area together. Can you please tell me why I may be doubting him now after all of this time? I'm so confused.


    Confused Schoolgirl
    New York, NY

    Dear Confused Schoolgirl,

    I think you are doubting him because your friends are planting these seeds of doubt in your mind. But why else would your good friends be telling you that he is planning to leave you after high school? He has probably mentioned it once or twice and everyone know what the grapevine is like in high school. It is a vicious rumor mill of death from which no student has every escaped unscathed.

    Yet this boy is talking about getting married after high school. At least, this is what he is saying to you. Another reason you may be feeling a little wary is because you are way too young to get married and you feel it in your heart.

    Girl, hardly anyone ever stays with their high school sweethearts. Most men and women have loving and fond memories of those childhood romances tucked away in their heart. They were the sweetest. But you have some serious living to do first.

    I say get single for college! Pretty soon you are going to enter the University life which will prepare you for the young adult party life. You will be entering the golden era consumed with frat parties, socials and streaking buck naked through campus. Why on earth would you want a boyfriend at this point, girl? Have a blast and party it up before your body can't keep up with you anymore. You will be meeting new and hot young fraternity studs every weekend. Take advantage of your youth. We all wish we could go back.

    After college you will be living the hot young single life probably in some major city somewhere. The social scenes for the twenty-something's are a blast. You will be making connections, meeting lots of new young (potentially hot) professionals everywhere you look, getting crazy at happy hour and sipping martinis in the evenings. At that age the scene for you will be a goldmine. The fun you can have dating is limitless but it is up to you.

    Many of my girlfriends married fresh out of high school and immediately started a family. Do I have to tell you how miserable their lives are? They never got to go to college or get out there and party when they turned the marvelous age of 21. They were stuck in the home and living vicariously through phone calls and letters from friends who took their time to grow up.

    You are much too young to let the pressures of boyfriends or marriage get to you. You are going to have enough to deal with in the fall. Go find yourself and enjoy your youth while you still have it.

    Viva the young and hot American woman!


    Diva Rebecca

    Not everyone will agree with me, everyone has their own opinion.
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