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    Dear Diva Rebecca,

    OMG. I dated this guy for about two days. I found out he had lied and told everyone I asked him out. Then he told people some pretty personal information like the fact that we made out and that he grabbed my boobs and my ass. Well then he broke it off. I acted like I didn't care, but I did. My friend asked me if I still liked him and I said no. But I realized I really do like him, I mean he is really nice and great to be around. I really want him back but I don't know what to do. I mean he did lie to everyone but then again he is really cool. OMG I am so confused please HELP!!


    Rejected by a Loser
    Hays, Kansas

    Dear Rejected by a Loser,

    OMG is right. Let's break this email down piece by piece, shall we?

    You went out with this guy for two days. TWO DAYS. Two days is not enough to decide that you really like a guy. Two days is not enough to even get hurt over. You can't even call two days "going out". It was only two days! My dear, do not stress out about a guy that you dated for two days. Did you even have two whole dates with him? Or was it limited to holding hands while he imagined grabbing your boobs and ass?

    After only (let me reiterate) TWO DAYS, you found out that he lied about the nature of your involvement and he went around telling everyone how he fondled your womanhood. Um...what a freak. Yes, he is a freak. How old is this guy? This is the kind of stuff that teenagers did in high school. Once a guy got to probe a girl's body for the first time he would get so damn excited and tell everyone. You should counter this little event by saying, "Hmmm, he must not get a lot of action. I didn't think it was a big deal".

    You should not care that he broke it off. Consider it a good thing because it seems that he was only after one thing. The guy is a dork. Sorry. Why on earth do you still consider him a "nice guy", and "great to be around" and "really cool"? He is none of those thing! He completely disrespected you in front of who knows how many people, lied about you, made you feel like a jackass and you think he is cool?? Girl.....what are you thinking? He is not cool and he is not a great guy. You just illustrated the reasons why! I think what is going on here is that fact that you are feeling rejection. It is normal to feel badly about rejection. You are human. It hurts when anyone does it, even a creep like this guy.

    If I were you I would stop thinking about him this instant and move on to a different guy. Also, warn all of your friends about this jackass. That is what girlfriends are for. If he feels that he can make up stories about you, feel free to throw around the idea to a couple of friends that he carries a two inch dick in his pocket, and that is when it is fully erect. Maybe even tell them that he also confided in you about his penis pump he ordered from a catalogue because he is so self conscious about his "little" problem.


    Diva Rebecca

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