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How I Saved My Marriage
My Story |
My husband's involvement and attraction towards me was fading away. It was only a matter a time before he would ask for a divorce. Even though I knew it would happen soon I was in a state of shock when the moment finally arrived.
I did what I could to cope with it all. I derived a �what's wrong with us� list. Then followed it up with a �how to improve� list. I gone through episodes where I pleaded with my husband, tried to talk him out of it, cried while bluntly begging and other usual responses and tactics from someone who doesn't want a divorce. We tried counseling without success. In desperation, I suggested a trial separation hoping that he misses me and things would go back to normal.
Story continues - read what happened next
A Woman in Love
Dear {Name},
I am a woman in love.
I am in love with you, with your very essence, with your mind and with your body.
I am captivated by your scent, it envelopes me like a hazy fog of surreal bliss. I am haunted by your eyes. They can put a sweet spell on me when only glancing in my direction. I crave the soft caress of your gentle lips. One touch from them against my skin gives me shivers of delight that roll delightfully through my body. I hunger for your strength. I feel protected by your powerful arms; comforted when I am held between them.
I linger on every word you speak. As if I was possessed by a strange demon of enchantment, I anticipate every conversation, every word and every whisper from your mouth. The thoughts and emotions rolling from your mind keep me bound to this hypnotic attraction. I cannot break away, and I don�t want to. I only want more.
When we are not together my thoughts are consumed by you. I smile as I dream of your beautiful face and the way you feel as you warmly snuggle against my body. I imagine our days together. I repeat our past interludes in my mind like a movie, and I dream luxuriously and hopefully about future moments with the man I love.
I am a woman in love.
I am yours.
(Your Name)
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