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    My husband's involvement and attraction towards me was fading away. It was only a matter a time before he would ask for a divorce. Even though I knew it would happen soon I was in a state of shock when the moment finally arrived.

    I did what I could to cope with it all. I derived a �what's wrong with us� list. Then followed it up with a �how to improve� list. I gone through episodes where I pleaded with my husband, tried to talk him out of it, cried while bluntly begging and other usual responses and tactics from someone who doesn't want a divorce. We tried counseling without success. In desperation, I suggested a trial separation hoping that he misses me and things would go back to normal.

    Story continues - read what happened next


    Stop The Agony of the Affair!

    Is your spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend having an affair? Do you think he/she might be having an affair but you aren't sure? The suffering we endure when we love someone during and through a possible affair is traumatic, to say the least. Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we continue to stay with someone who hurts us over and over again? Why? Because of love and sheer determination. It is the couples who make it through the sticky affairs and other relationship disasters who are more likely to end up staying together. Once you get through those tough times, you bond and your relationship becomes ever stronger.

    breakfreeIf you really want to be able to get through an affair successfully, you should read the downloadable book Break Free From the Affair by Dr. Bob Huizenga. This is a powerful tool that has helped thousands of couples heal from the devastating effects of an affair and get back on track. Just click the link and you will be taken to his helpful site. The Diva recommends it for any couple living with a current affair or the knowledge of a previous affair.

    What you must realize is that an affair is not the end of the world! So he or she had an affair. This is not because he/she doesn't love you anymore. It is not because you made a mistake or because something is wrong with you. Forget that nonsense. It is because your partner made a mistake. That mistake was made out of desperation. The flattery, the extra attention or whatever little need your partner had at the moment led to this mistake. Believe me, most people in a serious and committed relationship who end up having an affair end up regretting it later on down the road.

    Very often, even if your partner begs for forgiveness and admits his/her faults, your heart is still broken and the grief is the hardest thing to get over. I want to tell you that it is just sex, not emotions, but I am sure this hurts as well. Getting over the hurt is your biggest step because your relationship can not heal until you get over the pain of the affair. If you don't get over it, your pain will constantly be unleashed and might come out as anger, violence, pestering, jealousy and more. These emotions will be directed at your partner. As much as he/she may love you, not many people can stand emotional abuse for very long. And another problem is that you won't even know you are doing it. Your hurting heart takes over all sane rationality.

    Download and read Break Free From The Affair. It will help and the Diva suggests it.