she cheated on me, why women cheat

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    Why Women Cheat

    Women cheat and have affairs for completely different reasons than men. For example, men with high libidos are less unable to resist the temptation of a beautiful girl hitting on them. The hint of sex in the near future is enough to make any man with a healthy member spring into action. For men, it is not about emotions or relationship problems, it is simply a matter of having one night of fun and a sexual release. The promise of that sweet release can often be too hard for a man to turn down, even if he has a happy loving wife at home. For women, it is completely different. Women are completely able to turn away from the hottest guy in the world if she has a happy man at home. A sexy Brad Pitt lookalike hitting on her might even end up in a slap across the face. A woman with a ring on her finger would consider that an insult. So why and when do women cheat? When a woman cheats, it is usually an emotional affair. Not a one night wham-bam-thank-you-maam.

    womencheatIf your woman has been cheating on you, it is high time you found out why. There are many possible reasons why she has engaged in this affair behind your back. Tigress Luv is a relationship author who recently showcased her name manual on Why Women Cheat. This is guide/manual that you can download right now right on to your computer if need be. There are some thing worth knowing. Your relationship is unique. Every relationship has it pros and cons and each one is different from the other. Therefore, the reason why your beloved has strayed is particular to your relationship. This guide can shed a lot of light in this area and most of all, it will help both of you to get through it, overcome any emotional obstacles, recover and prevent her from wandering again.

    I can honestly say that I have cheated in the past, on a long time boyfriend. In my case it was different. We were in a long distance relationship. He had already graduated from college and I was all alone to finish out my last two years of a bachelors degree program. I was young and I was terribly lonely. In my case it was loneliness and lack of physical intimacy. Not many couples can survive a long distance relationship, not without maturity anyhow. That was something I lacked at that age. Cheating on my lover did not mean I loved him any less, because I didn't. I love him terribly. I was simply filling a void which had been growing larger with each day of being so far apart. This is why your woman has been or had cheated, to fill a void. It now lies to you to find out what this void is.

    If your relationship has seen many years, or if you are married or have children or both, you need to work at solving this issue. Too often people give up and walk away from a commitment because that seems to be the easiest thing to do. Run away from your problems. However, if you can make it through the difficult times, such as through cheating or an affair, your relationship will glow. There are always good times ahead IF you can make it through the tough times. Therefore, the Diva suggests that you read Why Women Cheat if you would like to salvage your relationship. Choose survival over death.