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    How To Seduce a Guy

    If you want to learn how to seduce a guy then you need to look no further than your bedroom mirror. You don't have to look like a super model, but the most important first step is to improve and take care of your own reflection in the mirror. Most women are not perfect but there are usually some pretty easy steps to making yourself look the best you can. If there is a night coming up where you want to try and seduce that special man, you first should make sure that you look impeccable. Get your hair done, wax your lip, shave EVERYTHING, paint your toenails, get a manicure and get the best outfit which flatters you the most. Pretend like you are going out for a night out at the opera. Just do it up girly style. The best part about trying to seduce a man is the fact that you get to pamper yourself! A man appreciates a woman who appreciates herself. When you are all done up for him it says to the guy that you care about yourself and the date. Men love this!

    Not all men are easily seduced but let's face it, many are. Basically, it is usually the women who make the decision on if sex will or will not be a factor that evening. The guy just takes what he can get. Knowing this you should be stricken with a sense of self confidence that will make the night wild. Men love confidence. When a woman holds a feeling of power above the men, it makes guys weak in the knees, he will practically do anything to get a nip of that love you have for him. But when it comes down to having sex, let the guy make the first move but let him know that he is able to, give him all the green lights. Let him control the situation because men love to be in control during the first sessions of sex. At the same time, also let him know you want it...badly. Moan when he kisses you in the right spot, hold him close to you and squeeze with your fingers. This will turn him on like crazy because it will tell him that you are REALLY into it. That is make him feel so good, so desirable, that he won't be able to hold back.

    secretsThere are plenty of little sexual secrets and stimuli that you can learn from our favorite seduction site Her Secrets. This is a great website where some of the best seduction and sexual secrets are given to women to help them learn how to make a guy want you 365 days of the year. The best part about this training is that once you have a guy locked down by your miraculous sexual skills, they will likely never leave you. They sure as hell won't want some other guy benefiting from all that you have to offer!

    When you are seducing a guy you should remember two very important things. 1)Look him in the eye and 2) be verbal. When in the middle of your passion, look him straight in the eye. This is such a turn on for both of you! It will heighten his awareness. Don't be too shy to be verbal. Tell him what feels good and what he could do to make it better for you, and when he does it just right let him know. Men love to be taught and they love to know when they are pleasing you. You don't want to just lie there like a dead fish, let him know that he is turning you on!

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