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    How To Understand Men

    Men should not be that cloud of confusion that they appear to be for so many people. Men just express themselves differently to women. They actually do want to express themselves emotionally, just not all of the time and only to someone who makes them feel safe. So basically, if you are always open and loving to your mate, give him lots of love and affection, remain non-judgmental and play the part of a best friend, that man is going to open up to you a lot quicker than he would if you were none of those things. But what you need to remember my dear is patience. My mother used to always say, "Patience is a virtue, possess it if you can for it's seldom in a woman and never in a man". As far as relationships go, that statement is usually so far from the truth it is sickening.

    Whether you are just dating or you have been dating someone for a while, you still might feel as if you just can not figure men out. Don't worry, you are not alone. But in a nutshell, a man wants to feel like he is a King and his wife or girlfriend is his biggest fan. He wants to feel like he can do no wrong, like he is the most wonderful person in the world and he wants to feel superior. Men love it when women praise them, give them encouragement and make them feel loved. And believe it or not, men love to be bragged about...just like their mom used to do. When a guy gives you flowers, make sure and tell all of your girlfriends about it, in front of him. In front of people pump him up and talk about how wonderful he is. It is by doing things like this that he will decide he never wants to leave you side. Why would he? You have a way of making he feel so good about himself and so special!

    menadoreIf you really want to learn how to understand men you should consider reading the guide The Women Men Adore for your own sanity. This is one of the best downloadable guides you can read right now on your computer which will teach you exactly what men want in women and how to understand their needs, wants and desires in plain talk. An important part in any successful relationship is learning from experts how to maintain that relationship and be in a successful and fulfilling bond for a lifetime. You can seek the help of professionals or do your own research. A relationship is something you should want to keep forever. If that is the case, then you should want to know how as well, and put time and effort into learning how. More so than your career! It is your relationship which will hopefully last the longest.

    Men love women who are independent and not super needy. They still want to feel loved, adored and needed, but they don't want to feel suffocated. An independent woman is a woman who can take care of herself and is someone who doesn't NEED a relationship. But that doesn't mean she doesn't want one, not in the slightest. An independent woman doesn't put pressure on her man in a new relationship but slowly develops that mutual dependency over time. And when the going gets tough, a man needs to know that his woman can handle it and will be strong, not weak. And another tip is that a man loves a woman who is not too emotionally over the top. He doesn't want a woman who cries all of the time or makes him feel as if he needs to give more and more emotional support every single day. That will drive most men just batty.

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