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    My whole world was flipped upside-down.

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    Improve My Marriage

    The first step to improving your marriage is to ask for help, which is exactly what you are doing. The people who are serious about their marriage or relationship and want a better life for the both of them are the ones who look for help. Usually, these are also the people who will end of with successful long term relationship and marriages. Sometimes it is just one person in the marriage who wants to improve things are save the marriage or relationship, but all you really need is one because learning how to improve your relationship will have a trickle down effect. Once you start to make the necessary changes, your partner will follow suit, usually because you will be doing things which will encourage him or her without that person even knowing it. It doesn't matter if you have been together for one year or for twenty, any marriage can be improved upon.

    The first thing which has to stop in any relationship is the constant and persistent nagging. Nagging does nothing to help a relationship and it only makes things worse. When you nag someone about ANYTHING, all it does it push that person away. For example, if you nag your husband about not taking out the trash when he is supposed to or not mowing the lawn, it is not going to make him want to do it. All it will do is make him want to get away from you, to get away from the nagging. Instead of nagging him for something he didn't do, praise him for something he did do, even if you thing it was so bringing home a gallon of milk. Why? Because people need to feel needed, loved and respected. As soon as you stop nagging and start praising, that man is going to do more and more and more because he will want your praise. Praise feels good. And when he realizes he can get it, he will do more to get that praise. Not only that, but he will want to be around you more because you simply make him feel good about himself. Makes sense, doesn't it?

    300datesOne of the greatest guides I have ever read is called 50 Secrets of Blissful Relationships. Now this is something you just have to read if you are interested in learning how to make your relationship work and improve your marriage in general. You can read it right now online. It was written by Michael Webb who is considered the leading expert to being romantic. He is also considered the web's most romantic man on the internet. He has written plenty of romance guides. I really love this guide so check out his website and read it! People who are serious about wanting to improve their marriage will also need to do the research. You can be expected to just know what to do. You will need to get help from experts from time to time and there is nothing wrong with that. Hey, if you are a millionaire, you could afford expensive couple's therapy. Unfortunately, most people are not and therapist, unfortunately, cost too much.

    Do you remember affection? When was the last time you lightly put your arms around your sweetheart and whispered those three little words for absolutely no reason at all? Everyone needs to feel loved. If your arguing has taken precedence over all aspects of your life and you do nothing but throw around ill mannered remarks and comments meant to hurt feelings, then try remarking how much you love that person, when it is least expected, and watch the reaction. Don't do it simply when you want something, do it because you genuinely love that person and you want him or her to feel good on the inside. That brings me to another point. Sometimes I don't know why two people remain married when they act like they hate and despise each other by fighting and using such cruel comments. If you really want to improve your relationship: stop slamming the other person, stop putting him or her down, stop using comments which are intended to hurt and really THINK about your loved one's feelings. If you love that person, protect them.

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