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    Romantic Love Letter

    The true romantic love letter is not always easy to write. Most people get stuck on the form. Should I write a poetic letter or a letter in plain words straight to the point? This is entirely up to you but let me tell you something that will make things easier...any man or woman will be delighted to receive a real love letter no matter what it says! This is because romantic love letters are rarely given or received! So basically, you might think that your letter is not that great but when your lover receives it, he or she will be enthralled. Your lover will feel cared about, love and respected. He or she will feel so special, that it won't matter if you are the slightest bit embarrassed by it. If you are considering giving a romantic love letter to someone, just do it. It is a great way to spread the love!

    If you are feeling tongue-tied, don't know what to say or you are afraid to say it, say so in the letter! Being humble is a great way to start off. It also tells the reader that this was an extremely difficult thing for you to do, which will make him or hr feel all the more special. Then, in all seriousness, write the letter however you wish to write it. Poetic, sexy, loving or straight to the point. However you decide to write it will give it that extra little bit of personality. I will say that women do love to receive letters on the poetic side. I must say this as it is my own opinion and after all, I am a woman! Being poetic is being romantic!

    Sometimes you wish to write a letter to say how you are feeling because you are afraid to say it to their face, but even when it comes down to writing a romantic love letter you have trouble because of fear. Fear stops a great many or people from doing truly wonderful things. If you are truly having difficulty writing a romantic love letter, then you can take advantage of romantic letter writing programs such as Perfect Love Letters. This is one of those programs which can help you design and customize romantic love letters. It will also help take the fear away because you will have a little more courage presenting your lover with a letter you know is sure to please. The great thing about a program such as this is the fact that you can download it right now instead of having to go to the store for it. You can get the program instantly and make a romantic love letter right now. He or she will never know because it is a private transaction.

    I have always loved the idea of a romantic love letter comparing me to something beautiful. I think this is a great idea for anyone. You might wonder what on earth you could compare someone to? Well, one guy I dated was an astrophysicist. He sent me a beautiful, but very short letter, comparing me to the images he would see on the hubble telescope. Not only did he do this, and do it well!) but he also sent me images. He used what he knew and what he was used to! I was immediately taken in. I thought it was truly one of the most romantic letters I had ever received because I know it came from him, from his heart, from his mind and from the sense of what he loves. I have to tell you, it was a hard one to top for me. But if you see what I mean, he used what he knew and what fascinated him. You might want to think this approach if you work with cows, horses, or anything of that nature!

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