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    Unique Love Letters

    To write a unique love letter means that you need to write something from the heart, not find a copy a letter posted somewhere on the internet. Everything about it should be special, from the words you choose to use, to the theme of the letter, to how you write it to what stationary you use. It should really be an extension of you and your personality. For example, if you are a cowboy, write about the sunsets and the great outdoors! If you are a city boy, write about the beauty of the cityscape including your lover in it. I am sure you catch my drift. It is not a plain cut as this but I think you know what I am getting at. Another twist would be to let someone see another side of you. For example, if you have a tough time showing emotions, let the person read all about your sensitive side in a mushy love letter.

    Trying to write a unique love letter can be tough. Most people want to be able to write something which has never been said before but end up writing a letter which says the same things every love letter has ever said before. I don't mean to put you off by saying that either. Even if you don't feel as if you have a drop of creativity left in you, you can still create something wonderful. A good trick to use is to sit down and clear your mind. Then think about the first time you and your loved one were together when you felt as if you were on cloud nine. Think about the moment you truly fell in love. Recapturing this moment in your head will help to bring about those same emotions you experienced while you were with your lover. It is during this time when you should begin writing. You might find yourself inspired beyond belief. A truly unique letter meant for your lover alone will include some of your past experiences in it. I say this is truly unique because only you and your lover know about them and what those moments meant to both of you.

    101If you are truly blanking on how to write and what to write about, maybe you should consider using a love letter writing program such as 101 Love Letters. I know I said that the best way to write a unique letter is to write one yourself rather than copy one from someone else, but this program helps you customize a letter for your beloved. The letters contained in this program have also not been posted all over the internet, they are under strict copyright protection. Therefore, no one has ever seen them before. It is okay to use something like this if you need to. Your lover will still feel fantastic when he or she receives one of these beauties!

    Just so you know any unique love letter doesn't have to be several pages long. Actually, I would only keep a love letter to one or two pages in length maximum. You don't want to bore the person or give yourself the room to repeat yourself over and over. But seriously, a romantic love letter can be only one short paragraph long! Maybe even in a poetic sort of way. I received one which was rather short once but it was beautiful. It lets the reader savor and digest every single word. If a letter is too long, the reader will find him/herself skipping important parts trying to skim the basic layout of the letter. Just a little tidbit of information!

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