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    Hi, I'm Chase Oliver and I'm 32 years old.

    I was engaged to a woman named Sara, whom I was in love with more than anything...

    And one day, completely out of the blue - she broke things off

    She said she wasn't ready and that she needed time, and she didn't know how long it would take.

    I was completely devastated. I mean, we had even had names picked out for our future children!

    My whole world was flipped upside-down.

    But then something very strange happened... Read the Rest


    Wedding Planning Secrets

    Are there really secrets to planning an amazing wedding? Hunny, there are nearly secrets to everything. And of course there are secrets to planning a wedding on a budget which the wedding industry doesn't want you to know about, they don't even want you to consider it. But in all reality, why spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on one single day? Most people spend, on that one special day, enough to cover the cost of a full year at an ivy league school. It is just plain ridiculous. And let's face it, you are going to need to save that money to plan for a family, retirement and more things to come in the future. Not to mention the fact that most of us don't have an extra 20 grand in our back pockets. But the wedding industry is going to bet on you wanting a perfect wedding, and they jack the prices up forcing you to pay.

    Tip number one: Plan your wedding for a warm month and hold the service in a state park. If you want a nice outdoor wedding, the best place to hold one is a state park rather than the garden grounds of some luxury hotel or building because they charge you about 90% less! For an entire day, you can get reserved for you a special place by a lake, ocean or mountains for less than $1000.00! If these grounds lay on personal property, you can bet the price would be upward of about 5 grand. Forget that nonsense. And you can go even further with this idea. In certain states, alcohol is legal in the state park. You might as well hold the reception there under tents as well! You just saved yourself an additional couple of grand on the reception hall!

    fairyTip number two>: You might as well invest on a guide for making the best wedding on the tightest budget. There are just too many things to go into here on one small page. For this AdviceDiva.Com recommends How To Have Your fairy tale Wedding On A Shoestring Budget. This is a guide which you may download now and save to your computer. It will help you with everything you need to know about saving on your wedding while still making it absolutely perfect. And if you have a budget, you really need to get this guide. It also comes with a few bonuses so you might as well have at it.

    Tip number three: Okay, this might sound a bit cheesy, but you can find the most absolutely gorgeous DESIGNER wedding gowns on ebay. I know, I know, you can't buy until you try. But here is the thing. These dresses come with an awful lot of beautiful material and many that you can find are worth thousands upon thousands in a store! Take your time and research them, check out the picture and see how they fit. Get your exact measurements from a seamstress and when you make your selection, send them along. Chances are, it won't fit but that is where a seamstress comes in to play! You know have a beautiful dress which you hopefully paid next to nothing for and a seamstress can make it fit just right. You'll still end up paying thousands less!

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