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    Wedding Speeches For you!

    One of my favorite wedding speeches ever made was not by the Best Man but by the Maid of Honor in a hilarious little skit prepared by her with the help of some willing participants. She began talking about faith and commitment and how it important it is to stay committed to each other now that the bride and groom had officially tied the knot. Smiling, she said that this is now the point in time where all of the other old flames of the groom must now turn in the keys to his house. As soon as she said this, a dozen or so women, and some fashionably older women, stood up, walked toward the podium and handed in their keys. It was hilarious. No one expected this, the groom was doubled over in laughter and the whole house was in an uproar. But it wasn't over there. The Maid Of Honor continued stating that the Bride hasn't always been so chaste but now has come the time to buckle down. All of her past lovers must turn in the keys to her house! A bunch of guys got up and turned in their keys. The bride was so red, but laughing. This was a great icebreaker. If you are going to pull this one off, you must make sure that the family and friends of the bride and groom have a good heart and a sense of humor!

    In the end the Maid of Honor ended her little skit with a real closure, a toast which came from the heart. It is not easy to know what to say but the best thing you can do for any toast is to make it a personal one. The Best Man or the Maid of Honor should know the respective Groom or Bride for a long time and base the speech on how they came to be friends and what they have learned about them during their friendship together. Often it is a brother or sister making the toast, and this makes things a bit easier. You have a whole lifetime of knowledge about them. In all speeches, the best way to close is to acknowledge how the bride and groom make each other happy which is the best that anyone can hope for in any relationship.

    There are many books and guides which can help you prepare and write a perfect speech for this special occasion. The best one we can think of is called Wedding Speeches For You. This is a guide which you can download and read right now on your computer. It contains speeches for the Groom, the Bride, the Best Man, the Maid of Honor and even speeches to be made by the mother and the father of the bride. AdviceDiva.Com would suggest reading this manual rather than finding speeches posted online because they have already been used and chances are, someone has already heard them, and might remember them! This way, your chances are much more secure that you will be delivering a wedding speech that no one has ever heard.

    For those of you who might be a little nervous about giving a speech, the best suggestion I can give you is to seek the help of a hypnotherapist. They can help you with relaxation techniques and can help you remain calm for that all important occasion. If you are anything like me, you get tunnel vision and forget all words as soon as you get in front of a crowd. I tried a hypnotherapist once before I was to give a lecture in front of 500 people. It worked like a charm!! You can find one in your area by doing a local Yahoo! Search.

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