her voice, her voice Oscar Wilde

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    Her Voice
    by Oscar Wilde

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    The wild bee reels from bough to bough
    With his furry coat and his gauzy wing,
    Now in a lily-cup, and now
    Setting a jacinth bell a-swing,
    In his wandering;
    Sit closer love: it was here I trow
    I made that vow,
    Swore that two lives should be like one
    As long as the sea-gull loved the sea,
    As long as the sunflower sought the sun,-
    It shall be, I said, for eternity
    'Twixt you and me!
    Dear friend, those times are over and done;
    Love's web is spun.
    Look upward where the poplar trees
    Sway and sway in the summer air,
    Here in the valley never a breeze
    Scatters the thistledown, but there
    Great winds blow fair
    From the mighty murmuring mystical seas,
    And the wave-lashed leas.
    Look upward where the white gull screams,
    What does it see that we do not see?
    Is that a star? or the lamp that gleams
    On some outward voyaging argosy,
    Ah! can it be
    We have lived our lives in a land of dreams!
    How sad it seems.
    Sweet, there is nothing left to say
    But this, that love is never lost,
    Keen winter stabs the breasts of May
    Whose crimson roses burst his frost,
    Ships tempest-tossed
    Will find a harbour in some bay,
    And so we may.

    And there is nothing left to do
    But to kiss once again, and part,
    Nay, there is nothing we should rue,
    I have my beauty,-you your Art,
    Nay, do not start,
    One world was not enough for two
    Like me and you.

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