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How I Saved My Marriage
My Story |
My husband's involvement and attraction towards me was fading away. It was only a matter a time before he would ask for a divorce. Even though I knew it would happen soon I was in a state of shock when the moment finally arrived.
I did what I could to cope with it all. I derived a �what's wrong with us� list. Then followed it up with a �how to improve� list. I gone through episodes where I pleaded with my husband, tried to talk him out of it, cried while bluntly begging and other usual responses and tactics from someone who doesn't want a divorce. We tried counseling without success. In desperation, I suggested a trial separation hoping that he misses me and things would go back to normal.
Story continues - read what happened next
Torn by Natalie Imbruglia
Press the play button in the middle of the screen and see description below. (Sometimes the Youtube video doesn't always show up right away, just wait a sec.) Sorry, due to copyright we cannot display the lyrics.
Torn is actually a very painful song to listen to especially if you really pay attention to the lyrics. It describes a relationship which she thought was one thing, but to her sudden painful realization, it was another thing. She thought she had this wonderful guy, but he was not the person she thought he was. And now she is in utter misery, "bound and broken on the floor". She feels like a fool for falling in love with this person, she almost feels tricked. It appears that he made her feel like he was fully in love with her, and then he changed and became someone cold. And this is a very painful experience.
See All Romantic Songs
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